Love Malta

The Maltese Lifestyle: How to Spend Your Summer

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As the temperatures rise, you know it’s time to pay a visit to the Mediterranean. And in the summer, all roads lead to Malta. In the midst of the blue green and ivory of the Maltese landscape, allow yourself to indulge in the scents and tastes of the islands. As with most things in life, there is in fact a right way to experience the Maltese lifestyle. Here’s a guide to living “la dolce vita”, or as the Maltese will have it, “il hajja helwa” this summer in Malta.

Avoid the Heat in a Maltese Bar

During the warm, summer days under the beating sun, there’s nothing more to do than laze around. All sightseeing goes out the window during the Maltese summer high temperatures that reach well into the 30s. What you can do instead is refresh yourself at a classic maltese bar.

Walking or public transport is not recommended unless you enjoy strenuous activities in the high of a Mediterranean heatwave. Luckily, Malta has an incredibly convenient Bolt network. From the airport, to the Three Cities and even the far ends and cliffs of the island, you can get a ride within minutes. It’s advisable to spare your skin of the UV rays and your body of the hot flashes, and just hop straight into a cool car from your hotel.

Choose a popular bar destination. Our top picks are Birgu, Sliema and of course, Valletta. Once your Bolt drops you off at the desired location, find a classic local bar to try. There are telltale signs of a good bar. It should have air conditioning, outdoor seating and pastizzi.

Bolt is the easiest way to travel in Malta.

Try Some Pastizzi

If you’re unfamiliar with pastizzi, they are a classic Maltese snack that you can roughly translate to pastries. In reality, they are a crunchy and fluffy pocket of pastry with ricotta or peas inside. Nowadays, you can find pastizzi filled with anything, from chicken, to pizza and even Nutella flavors. You’ll soon come to find that eating is the number one way to achieve the Maltese lifestyle.

Alternatively, look for signs advertising Cisk beer. Cisk is Malta’s very own beer brand, so you can be sure it will complement your days on the island perfectly. Nothing better than a fresh, cold bottle on a sunny day.

Rural Dining

In Malta, visiting the countryside is a must. Get away from the crowds and cars and enjoy the Mediterranean scenery at its best. You’re in luck once again. There are many rural dining experience to enjoy on the outskirts of the islands. And once again, all it takes is the click of a button to hail a Bolt and get to one. What would normally constitute a hassle is with Bolt Malta, just another cab ride. Within 30 minutes, you are likely to get from one side of the island to the other.

A table of classic Maltese snacks and ingredients. Image was cropped. © Malta Tourism Authority

So, once the sun settles down and the breeze comes in during the cool evening hours, spend the last waking hours of your day in a true local restaurant. Enjoy starters like the Maltese Bigilla dip, Fenek or Kapunata. The food you will eat is as fresh as it can get, with locally sourced ingredients. Not only will it be tasty, the Mediterranean meal will be healthy as well.

Finally, what’s the harm in a glass of wine. Maltese wine, that is. Enjoy your hot summer night scenery with a cool glass and good company beside you. And when all is said and done, grab a cab back home for a good rest. Remeber not to drive after a night of drinking. Conveniently, Bolt operates at any hour and will fetch you from virtually any place, so no need to constrain your visit to the countryside. After all, you’re living the Maltese lifestyle, where there’s no rushing allowed!

Title image attribution © Malta Tourism Authority. Image was cropped.

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